Buffalo Sabres vs. Boston Bruins

Last Sunday I went to watch an Ice Hockey game at the HSBC Arena in downtown Buffalo with my office co-workers. The game was between Buffalo Sabres and Boston Bruins. Personally, I am no big fan of hockey or for that matter any other sport. But since I got the ticket worth 77 dollars for free, din't want to miss the opportunity ;). For a change, most of the people at my work place follow ice hockey over football - may be because the Buffalo Bills suck and Sabres are one of the best teams in the league.
Anyways, so back to the game. When I got the ticket, all I knew about the game was it's called 'Ice Hockey' and nothing more than that ;) and even today I hardly know anything more than that. However, I found hockey very easy to follow over football. I tried a lot but still can't follow football, but hockey isn't that bad for me. Also, in hockey the players do fight a lot with the opposite team. I saw at least 4 such instances of fighting. Surprisingly, the referres stand there and allow them to fight instead of stopping, and that's really the exciting thing about this game.

So, being a no great fan of hockey or Sabres, my prime goal was to experience how does it feel like being in the Arena and watching the game live for free..:). And believe me it really feels good. The stadium was something - for me it was a first such experience, so I found it very amazing and overwhelming. The stadium was almost packed with 18690 people, that's really a big number for a city like Buffalo. I had no idea that Buffalo has such a huge number of hockey fans. But it does. The best part of the arena was its sound system with thousands of wattage. And when the speakers are at full volume, nobody in the stadium can sit without cheering and shouting and making as much noise as they could. Truly, those speakers really made me cheer 'Let's Go Buffalo' again and again. And you could really feel adrenalin rushing in your veins.

There were hundreds of such exciting events happening to keep the crowd charged on an ongoing basis. To add to this, the Sabres being a better team over Bruins and Sabres playing at home - the crowd was really going mad with every goal they made. And you can only feel sorry for the Bruins. Poor guys...!
Btw, the Sabres won squarely with 6 goals, while the Bruins could only make 2.