Basanti Ko Rang Diya Finally...
So finally the day came last night, yes last night. Eventually we watched 'Rang De Basanti' in theatre. It's really been a long wait though. I had never waited so eagerly to watch any movie until RDB came. All of us here in Buffalo were very badly desperate to watch the movie in the opening weekend. Btw, we here mostly means - Kanan, Purvin, Saloni, Kavin and myself and some others as well.
We tried million things, rhetorically if not literally, to our bad luck it wasn't being screened anywhere within the 60-100 miles radius of Buffalo, and we really cursed Buffalo a lot for that. Everyone then wanted to be in NYC or Jersey or Cali. At that point of time we were even ready to drive upto 200 miles or more, just to watch the movie. So restless were we that, we even tried to get tickets in Cleveland, which is 200 miles away, but somehow it didn't work out. In that regard on the Saturday of the opening week, at some theatre in Cleveland we did call like 10 times, nothing worked. Btw, we could never figure out what was there in the voice mail of that theatre. His speech was so jumbled up ;).
Anyways, so first week went just like that.. And then we were listening from everyone from all across America, it's very very good movie and this and that. Sab log hame jalaa rahe the. And slowly but steadily ab hum logo kaa bhi tempo and enthu jaa rahaa tha. Day by day the novelty of the movie was becoming and open secret. Then reviews in news and other sources. Personally, I refrained from reading any news about RDB ;), I was even making sure that we don't even discuss anything about the story :). We din't watch it on streaming websites, even though it was there. Somehow it was all over me/us and we wanted to see in hall only.
After all the failures, we just gave up and surrendered to our luck, and accepted just to wait until it comes in Buffalo. And finally, it came last night. So once again, this week we were so charged up to watch it FINALLY in theatre in BUFFALO. And if like it wasn't still done, when we reached at the theatre there was a huge crowd waiting to get into the hall. Saw something like that for the first time in America, and we waited almost for 20+ minutes in line to get in. Due to this, most of the groups were scattered all across the theatre due to non-availability of adjacent seats.
But we really enjoyed last night. It was well worth the wait. Needless to say, the movie is well made and no doubt it's very dramatic just like any Hindi movie but with a strong message leading to thought provocation. And I'm in no mood to write the review here ;).
We tried million things, rhetorically if not literally, to our bad luck it wasn't being screened anywhere within the 60-100 miles radius of Buffalo, and we really cursed Buffalo a lot for that. Everyone then wanted to be in NYC or Jersey or Cali. At that point of time we were even ready to drive upto 200 miles or more, just to watch the movie. So restless were we that, we even tried to get tickets in Cleveland, which is 200 miles away, but somehow it didn't work out. In that regard on the Saturday of the opening week, at some theatre in Cleveland we did call like 10 times, nothing worked. Btw, we could never figure out what was there in the voice mail of that theatre. His speech was so jumbled up ;).

After all the failures, we just gave up and surrendered to our luck, and accepted just to wait until it comes in Buffalo. And finally, it came last night. So once again, this week we were so charged up to watch it FINALLY in theatre in BUFFALO. And if like it wasn't still done, when we reached at the theatre there was a huge crowd waiting to get into the hall. Saw something like that for the first time in America, and we waited almost for 20+ minutes in line to get in. Due to this, most of the groups were scattered all across the theatre due to non-availability of adjacent seats.
But we really enjoyed last night. It was well worth the wait. Needless to say, the movie is well made and no doubt it's very dramatic just like any Hindi movie but with a strong message leading to thought provocation. And I'm in no mood to write the review here ;).
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Oye kakke, tune toh meri dil di baat cheen li. Woh kehte hai na "Sabr ka fal meetha hota hai" lo udaharan :) Badi changi movie thi, bas dil ko sue-kar nikal gayi ;)
I guess I'm the only one who hasn't seen the movie. Unfortunately, the closest theatre where it is being showed is 1.5hrs away. Can't go during a weekday and weekends have been whooshing by without me doing anything significant. I'm hoping something will work out this weekend (it is supposed to be my lucky one :D)
Kanu, please don't reveal the story. Fortunately I don't know any of the actors by name so didn't get much.
Even, I've heard a lot of good stuff about the movie. Hope it is not an anti-climax.
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